A Devil Unbeaten!

The Devil, a supernatural entity that is the personification of evil. This is as per Wikipedia and according to mainstream beliefs. But Modern definition of a Devil is more humane. And is more bewildering. The Devil, might be pounding off regularly all around under some respectable mask, having some authoritative title, waiting for a prey, might be eyeing on anybody of us. More often the dull innocent decent soul falls for these masked devils and gets themselves lost in a guilt of an undone mistake. Society is completely bowed down before this Unbeaten devil. This devil resides in corrupt bodies with sinful thoughts and with an aspiration of exploiting human bodies. Sexual harassment, is on an exponential increase with the exposure of people, especially fairer sex, to the modern world. It is literally impossible to judge about the intentions of the person in this so called civilized world. A respectable person, sweet as sugar, turns out to be the reason for...