Why FREELANCING is important for students?

True are words of George Bernard Shaw, "Happy is the man who earns his living by his hobby", as he said in his book, 'The Pygmalion'. Ultimately pursuing something that makes a man happier is the best thing that could be done by him to himself.

Today's modern generation is full of potential to be discovered. They are striving hard for the accomplishment of their dreams and trying to convert those dreams into reality. They have the calibre and the enthusiasm, but are unable to do so. Ultimately money acts as a barrier between them and their passion. At the end of the day, they will be needed to earn money to sustain their family and follow a job that fulfils this need, doesn't matter it interests him or not.

Hefty college schedule bounds students from doing a regular job and earn a little money. But this doesn't solve their problem and in fact it motivates them to explore their self all over again. It forces them to find other means to take a step towards accomplishment of their dream.

Freelancing is one of those essential means by which students can take a leap towards their dream.

Freelancing provides students an alternative to enhance their complementary skills and at the same moment earn too. Skills are like diamonds; the more they are brushed the more they shine. So it is important to use these skills time and again.

Freelancing provides them the opportunity to be self-employed without any restriction. In this competitive world, it is a lot more difficult to find a suitable job to one's field of interest. Therefore getting self-employed through free lancing not only solves their problem but also gives them an opportunity to pursuit a career in a field they always wanted to be in.

It helps students to make the ends meet in the semester. Not everyone among them belongs to affordable strata of the society. There are people who are fighting night and day to make their child study. In that case Freelancing can act as a source of income, to share a part of the total expense and reduce a little load off their parent's shoulder. 

Students need not to be a committed partner to any employer. That's the beauty of freelancing. They need not to be fixated to anybody. It totally depends on them, with whom to work and for what time to work. They can drop-out whenever they feel so. In short they have the complete freedom to manage things according to them.

Overall It allows students to follow their passion in such competitive world without giving a single thought about livelihood. It makes them self-reliant, self-worthy and self-dependent. Freelancing should definitely an option for every student who is in chase for his passion and wish to stand up and stand out solely on their own.


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