The Greatest truth!!

Night sky is one of the most amazing thing to be observed during night time.I was very fond of watching and feeling the presence of stars and the moon.But, because of work load in my final year of school, it was not possible for me to find much time for other activities, still I used to take a walk in the park near my place of stay to be touch with night sky.There a couple.. who seemed to be married for quite a long period of time and were in their last stage of life..( it appeared to me!!).. also used to take night walk in that park in which I used to go.I felt very good seeing them together taking a walk and continuing to support each other in that old age.Watching them together taking a walk had become a part of my daily routine.I always tried to walk near them so that I can hear what they are discussing about..(.. i was just keen to hear them.. nothing else..Mind it!!).. They always used to talk about their daily routine ,diseases ,and family matters.
But ,one evening they were not talking too much and had a grave look on their face.That day was not a very good day for the old man.His friend ,probably 2nd last in his group, died on that day leaving him alone among his friend circle in this World.That day he was left only with his wife to support him emotionally and physically thereafter.
I was disheartened to the bottom of my heart.I  left the place with out a whisper leaving the couple to mourn for the depart.That day I realized the greatest truth of the world which is not even considered before we reach to that point.. i.e. "Separation from loving ones".Its very true that we come alone and we go alone but we can never live alone.Parents, no matter what, are most important to any individual but to that extent we also need a friend or a husband or a wife.Life is a long journey.We meet with a number of people.Some teach us ,we teach some.Some come and go but few remain forever.These people are FRIENDS,or a wife or a husband who can mean a lot to any person.Its quite painful to imagine such a separation but its the truth and the greatest truth.One day or the other each one of us has to face this. Thats how life is!!  


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